Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 01 Mar 2017
Data and Intelligence Resources 1 March

Voluntary and Community Workshops and Events Programme 2017
Data and Intelligence Resources
This is a free workshop delivered by Andrew Fitzpatrick, Research Officer from the Intelligence Hub at Kirklees Council. The Intelligence Hub champions and promotes the effective use of data and intelligence.
Providing evidence is vital to help you get funding for projects, but sometimes finding the right data can be hard work! In this session we will show you some really useful online tools and resources which will help you find and understand the information you need.
The workshop will consist of a 45 minute demonstration of the some key tools/resources followed by 30 mins time of questions.
After the event you will;
• Be familiar with the Kirklees Observatory website and be able to find data covering a wide variety of themes (population statistics, the economy and census statistics etc.)
• Be able to draw upon intelligence from the new online Kirklees Joint Strategic Assessment (KJSA), which provides a picture of the health and wellbeing of Kirklees people
• Be aware of other useful resources (e.g. Involve - a tool to help Kirklees Council and local public services, to plan and share community involvement work - like public events, surveys and consultation)
Wednesday 1st March 2017 at 12:15-13:45 Venue: Dewsbury Customer Service Centre, The Walsh Building, Town Hall Way, Dewsbury WF12 8EE
If you are interested in attending this event, please contact Community Partnerships on 01484 225142 or community.partnerships@kirklees.gov.uk
Opportunity Location
Dewsbury Customer Service Centre
The Walsh Building,
Town Hall Way,
WF12 8EE
Telephone: 01484 225 142
Email: community.partnerships@kirklees.gov.uk