Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 06 Apr 2021
Culture Forum North: Call Out for a Consultant

The pandemic and its impact on the arts and education has meant that working in partnership has become more vital, and Culture Forum North (CFN) is well placed to lead a national conversation that explores the role and impact of higher education institutions in relation to arts and culture.
This idea is supported by the Arts Council and in 2021 they will be embarking on a programme of consultation, discussion and visioning in partnership with Arts Council England, the South East Cultural Innovation Forum and Midlands Higher Education and Cultural Forum in order to:
•Identify key areas of benefit and risk to HE/cultural sector partnerships.
•Place in the context of the immediate and longer-term impacts of the pandemic.
•Make recommendations for the future work of HE/partnership networks.
•Understand the financial, physical and human resources needed to sustain this area of work.
The Brief:
CFN is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced consultant or team of consultants to carry out research with the cultural and higher education sectors in order to explore:
•An estimate of the diversity and scale of arts and cultural sector partnerships.
•Benefits to the cultural sector from the HE sector partnerships.
•Benefits to HEIs of arts and cultural sector partnerships.
•Impact of CV19 on the interdependence between the arts, culture and HE and its future potential.
The findings of the consultation will inform the content of up to three discussion groups, one of which will be attended by senior leaders from HE and the arts and culture, chaired by Darren Henley.
For further information about the brief and how to apply, please visit the website below.
The fee for this work is up to a maximum of £8000 inclusive of all expenses and VAT.
A small additional budget is available to cover the costs of interviewees who are freelance or from non-core funded micro-organisations.
Send your proposal to culturalinstitute@leeds.ac.uk no later than midnight on 6 April 2021. Details of what should be included in the proposal can be found in the CFN Consultation Brief
Contact Information
If you have any queries about the brief and tender process please contact either Sue Hayton, Cultural Institute s.hayton@leeds.ac.uk or Lesley Patrick lesley.patrick@operanorth.co.uk
For more information visit https://www.cultureforumnorth.co.uk/call-out-for-a-consultant/