The Creative Industries Federation are holding a Yorkshire-wide event for creative businesses on Tuesday 17 July, 5- 8pm at the Hepworth in Wakefield. All Kirklees creative businesses are invited to attend this free event
From Bradford to Sheffield, Hull to Leeds, Huddersfield to Barnsley and everywhere in between, the creative industries contribute £2.57bn in GVA to the UK economy (2016 figures). To shine a light on one recent success story, Hull as UK Capital of Culture demonstrated how investment in urban regeneration through culture can spur on change. But more generally, Yorkshire’s creative industries are booming thanks to existing infrastructure, a strong roster of shooting locations and growing support from city councils across the region.
The Creative Industries Federation want to build on this success and ensure that local policymakers are properly supporting creative businesses across the region to thrive and grow. This involves guaranteeing mainstream business support that meets the needs of creative businesses which require a more agile approach. Creative businesses should be signposted to existing finance and funding schemes which could work for them. And success must be shared equally across Yorkshire’s towns and cities, instead of benefiting certain existing areas of high growth.
In this practical session the Creative Industries Federation will explore new avenues of support for the creative industries, discuss how we can build on existing initiatives and hear from local businesses themselves on what they need to continue to succeed.
This event is free to attend for creative businesses across Yorkshire. More information and how to book at the web link below.
For more information visit https://federation.force.com/s/lt-event?id=a1U41000002Mm5wEAC
Opportunity Location
Gallery Walk
Email: evy@creativeindustriesfederation.com
Website: https://federation.force.com/s/lt-event?id=a1U41000002Mm5wEAC