Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 19 Feb 2016
Creative Skills Initiative Work Placement Opportunity 2016

CapeUK is looking for a company or consortium of practitioners who can offer real life work placements to students from Calderdale College via the Creative Skills Initiative (CSI) – allowing young people to consider the Creative & Cultural Industries as a future vocation. The young people are studying level 2 Art & Design & working towards functional skills (Maths & English) where appropriate & will be taught employability skills. As part of the course they do a work placement, where they work with a local arts and cultural organisation to plan & deliver to a brief. The young people need to complete 12 days of work (or equivalent) starting week 22 February 2016. This would be spread across a number of weeks as agreed with Calderdale College. Up to £6k available depending on number of placements offered.
Please contact chris.strong@capeuk.org or call 0113 322 3050 for more information.