Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 25 Feb 2020
Creative Consultation & Engagement Call Out, The LEAP

CALL OUT OPPORTUNITY for creative community engagement and consultation projects in Bradford & Keighley - Deadline: 25th February
The LEAP are inviting proposals to deliver a creative Community Engagement and Consultation project between March – June 2020.
They are seeking artists, makers, musicians, writers, performers, filmmakers, curators, community leaders, activists and community groups to work together to co-create a programme of new, exciting, accessible and fun creative community engagement and consultation events and activities. We want to use enjoyment and creativity to listen to communities, create a buzz and inform our future plans through to 2023 and beyond.
Please read the CALL OUT BRIEF at the link below:
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with
france-leigh@theleapbradford.co.uk / 07813 450451
For more information visit http://www.theleapbradford.co.uk/opportunities.html
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 07813 450 451
Email: france-leigh@theleapbradford.co.uk
Website: http://www.theleapbradford.co.uk/opportunities.html