Creative Kirklees / Events / Fri 11 Feb 2022
Constructive Conversations Workshop with HATCH

HATCH Projects (WOVEN Curators) are running a workshop to provides practical tools to enable you to articulate concerns clearly and therefore resolve issues quickly before they escalate.
Good communication enables us to work well and quickly with one another, but when things are not going well misunderstandings can crop up and we may start to avoid having the conversations that could get us back on track because they feel tricky or awkward.
This half-day workshop provides practical tools to enable us to articulate concerns clearly and therefore resolve issues quickly before they escalate. HATCH will also look at how we can contract clearly at the start of relationships to avoid most problems arising. The day includes opportunities to practice skills and rehearse conversations you want to have but might be putting off.
The workshops will take place online on Friday 11 February, 9:30 am - 1pm
Cost: £10
For more information see the link below
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/constructive-conversations-workshop-tickets-220602025597?keep_tld=1