Creative Kirklees / Events / Sat 30 Jul to Mon 01 Aug 2016 (3 days)
Comoodle Creative Workshops

Have you heard about Comoodle?
We want to create a strong culture of sharing in Kirklees, so we can help each other to do good things in our communities. This means making the best use of our stuff, space and skills by lending things to each other and by sharing what we know. We believe in sharing… Do you?
Fun, creative workshops
Can you spare two hours to join us for one of these fun, creative workshops to help us shape the new Comoodle website so it meets your needs?
• Saturday 30th July from 10am to 12 noon
at Dewsbury Town Hall, Wakefield Old Road, Dewsbury WF12 8DG
(drinks available from 9.45am) or
• Monday 1st August from 6pm to 8pm
Huddersfield Methodist Mission, 3-13 Lord Street, Huddersfield HD1 1QA
(light buffet available from 5.45pm)
Please come along to tell us what you want the new Comoodle website to do for you. We want to build a website which meets your community’s needs and makes sharing across Kirklees as quick and easy as possible.
All you need to bring is an open mind. There will be no technology involved, so please don't think you need to be IT savvy to come along!
Register for the workshop at:
The workshop will be run by Yoomee, who build websites, apps and online stuff for organisations wanting to make the world a better place, and supported by Kirklees Council.
Join our network at:
Contact the Comoodle team:
Email: comoodle@kirklees.gov.uk
Tel. 01484 456844
For more information visit http://www.comoodle.com/
Event Location
Telephone: 01484 456 844
Email: comoodle@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: http://www.comoodle.com/