Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 15 Aug 2016
Comoodle Celebrates 100th Exchange

Comoodle is celebrating a fantastic milestone – they have just made their 100th successful Comoodle exchange with a community organisation in Kirklees. Almondbury Community School borrowed a large selection of cultural educational materials which they will use for their art projects and, importantly, will also make available for other groups to use.
This is what Comoodle is all about – finding something useful and sharing it for community benefit.
Comoodle has come a long way since it started in May 2015. They are loaning vans and minibuses (you can request a vehicle for community benefit), they are lending office and kitchen equipment, litter pickers, musical instruments, outdoor equipment big and small and plenty more. They even found a couple of pigs to help a local theatre group, plus land for food growing and coaching!
Since Comoodle began, they have had 300 different requests from Kirklees groups who want to borrow stuff, space and skills. Their campaigns offering sports equipment, outdoor games and larger items like an event trailer and an inflatable football pitch have attracted massive interest. One weekend in July, 90 individual items were in transit around the district and 13 different community groups were benefiting simultaneously from Comoodle.
Overall, Comoodle has supported 86 different community organisations so far, helping to run activities that over 8,000 people have participated in. That’s something worth celebrating.
They have helped local groups to lend to each other and they want to see much more of that, so they are keen to hear from organisations who are willing and able to lend something.
Look out for their next campaign for ideas about what you could share, or contact them now if you’ve already got something to offer to support community activity in Kirklees.
For more information visit http://www.comoodle.com/
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Website: http://www.comoodle.com/