Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 04 Nov 2015
Community Partnerships Investment - Expressions of Interest

Community Partnerships have issues information about their timetable for Expressions of Interest and Applications for 2015-16
Last year, they piloted a new way of inviting voluntary/community organisations (VCOs) to design original projects and submit applications for funding in particular areas of work - usually where there was a known and/or new need. This approach was successful, and has led to a range of new community activities, including dementia reading befrienders, autism support, short breaks for carers, and end of life community-based support.
The new process asks groups to submit a 2 page Expression of Interest (EOI) outlining their proposed project and how it contributes to the priority theme. A Community Partnerships development officer then contacts the groups to discuss their EOI, and all proposals are evaluated and shortlisted. The shortlisted groups are then asked to submit a more detailed application. Final applications go to a grants panel and decisions are made by Kirklees Council senior commissioning managers. Clinical Commissioning Group colleagues and other relevant partners.
The priority themes have been set for 2015-16 – please see the table below for details. We are advertising these all together to allow groups to plan ahead.
Further information about submitting an expression of interest will soon be on Yortender. Please note that VCOs must normally be registered on Yortender and the Grant Access Point (GAP) to apply; please contact us urgently if your group is not already registered.
Important note: VCOs can still apply to Community Partnerships for funding for other activities supporting people with health or social care needs; these ‘EOI rounds’ do NOT replace the normal rolling investment programme, but supplement it.
For further information about the Community Partnerships investment programme, please visit http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/communitypartnerships .
The timetable can be viewed here at http://bit.ly/1HICwSS. Note that there are different deadlines for each area of funding.
For more information visit http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/communitypartnerships