Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 19 Jul 2016
Changes to Arts Council England Investment Portfolio

Arts Council England have announced changes to the way it will approach its investment, from 2018, following a consultation with the arts and culture sector.
For the first time museums and libraries will be part of the Arts Council’s investment portfolio. Libraries will only be eligible to receive Arts Council funding for the arts and museums activity they carry out, and local authorities will continue to be responsible for funding their statutory work. Funding agreements for the Arts Council’s National Portfolio Organisations will be lengthened from 3 to 4 years, to allow organisations more time to put their business plans in action.
The National Portfolio will now be made up of 3 bands, so that those who receive less funding will see their administrative burden reduced, and those who receive the most investment, will be required to do more to contribute to all five of the Arts Council’s goals, to drive diversity, nurture talent, and to play a key role in supporting the wider sector. The portfolio will also include a new category ‘Sector Support Organisations’, covering organisations that offer support services to the creative sector, as opposed to producing arts and culture themselves.
For more information visit http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/explore-news/new-approach-investment