Creative Kirklees / Events / Sun 15 May 2022
Celebration of Ukrainian Culture Fundraiser

A fundraising concert will be held at Huddersfield Town Hall to raise funds for the National Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, who are co-ordinating the emergency appeal in response to the desperate situation in Ukraine.
The concert, which has been organised by members of the Huddersfield Ukranian Club Mandy and Ihor Cioch, will take place on Sunday May 15th, between 4-7pm.
The evening will celebrate the rich Ukrianian heritage through music and dance, and will feature performances from:
● Hoverla, an exciting Ukrainian Cossack dance troupe who will perform their exhilarating sword dance
● Zoloto Kalyna, Huddersfield's very own Ukrainian Folk Dance troupe
● Frelach band with accordion, violin, cello and clarinet performing authentic Ukrainian melodies
● Svitloch Ukrainian Choir, Gledholt Male Voice Choir and Vocal Expressions Ladies Choir, singing songs of peace and humanity in times of struggle
The whole focus of the concert is to raise funds to alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian people and to bring the people of Kirklees together with the recently arrived refugees, in a celebration of the courageously proud culture of the Ukrainian nation.
Ihor Cioch, members of the Huddersfield Ukranian Club and organiser of the fundraiser said: “My father came from a little village near Lviv and he would be horrified at what is happening to his remaining family in Ukraine now. My mother is 92 years old and she was very proud to be present at the last fundraiser, which was held at the Huddersfield Ukrainian Club and raised a fantastic £11,000. It would be amazing if this fundraiser could raise a similar amount".
The following day (Monday 16th May), organiser Mandy will be joining a convoy of vans who will be driving from Halifax to the Polish/Ukraine boarder. The five day trip will allow humanitarian aid to be delivered directly to those in desperate need. Mandy’s friends and family have already donated over £1000 to cover the cost of fuel for the journey.
Tickets for the event are available to buy at the website below.
For more information visit https://tickets.kirklees.gov.uk/en-GB/shows/celebration%20of%20ukrainian%20culture/events