Creative Kirklees / News / Thu 02 Jul 2015
Book your place on the Huddersfield Open Space event

Come and take part in conversations about the Cultural Revitalisation of Huddersfield. If you've not yet booked your place to attend this Open Space event there is still time, but places are limited so don't leave it too late to book.
The event is on Wednesday 15 July, 10am - 1pm at Huddersfield Art Gallery and you can book at the Eventbrite link below.
The Open Space event aims to start a conversation about how can we build a sustainable, vibrant cultural life for Huddersfield. What are the questions and issues that are important to you, to us, to Huddersfield?
What is Open Space? … it is a simple way to have open conversations and develop a way forward… The Open Space method is a way of bringing together different views and perspectives in a ‘meeting’. It is different in a number of ways, mainly because there is no agenda! It starts with a question and the people in the room look to find solutions from their experiences, knowledge and shared conversations.
Want to know more about Open Space? Go to http://openspaceworld.org/wp2/what-is.
For more information visit https://huddersfieldopenspace.eventbrite.co.uk/
News Location
Huddersfield Art Gallery
Princess Street
Telephone: 01484 414 824
Email: arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: https://huddersfieldopenspace.eventbrite.co.uk/