Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 30 Jun 2015
Big Lottery Fund Launches New Series in Funding Advice Blogs

The Big Lottery Fund is offering groups ‘top tips’ on how to complete a Big Lottery Fund application.
Funding officer Richard McMullen has written the first blog in which he sets out the following advice:
Carefully read the programme's guidance notes and criteria before filling out the application form. Demonstrate why the project is needed so that the funder knows there is a demand and explain what issues will be addressed, and how this has been determined. 'The best applications provide a range of evidence as to why the project is needed. This can include things like statistics, feedback from people who will use the project and proof [the] project fills a gap that current services can't meet.'
Be clear about what the group is going to do with the grant, the reason why the group wants to undertake the project and what impact this will have. This information needs to be presented in as clear and concise a manner as possible.
Use Plain English and avoid jargon or buzzwords. 'The clearer [the] application is, the easier it is for us to understand it and make a fully informed decision.'
Answer all the questions. Applications with missing information cannot be assessed.
Consider having someone else read through the application to make sure all the relevant fields have been filled in before submitting it.
To read the full blog, and to sign up to receive blogs by email, click on the Big Blog link below.
The Big Lottery Fund website offers guidance on how to apply to each of its programmes www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/funding/funding-guidance/applying-for-funding.
For more information visit http://bigblog.org.uk/2015/06/23/completing-your-application-to-the-highest-standard/