Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 02 Mar 2017
Behaviour Management & Youth Arts training course - 2 March

Behaviour Management & Youth Arts training course - Last chance to book!
Thursday 2 March, 10am - 4.15pm,
Friargate Quaker Meeting House, York
Understanding challenging behaviour and the best ways to cope with it is essential to any youth arts project.
This one-day course looks at how you can create a positive environment from the offset, and get the most out of your young people! Together we will provide support and address any issues within your own projects that you would like to discuss.
You will gain:
• Understanding of behavioural issues, their causes and their preventions
• Strategies for transforming challenging behaviour
• Flexible and responsive approaches to use in your own work
• Troubleshooting 101 – an opportunity to discuss personal concerns or previous experiences, and learn how to manage these more effectively in the future
Book your place today
Places on this course are priced at £130 per person, inclusive of lunch, refreshments and certification of attendance. English National Youth Arts Network (ENYAN) members are eligible for a 10% discount on this fee.
Artsplan is Artswork's programme of training and professional development designed to help arts and cultural professionals, at all stages of their career, to build their skills, knowledge and understanding of working in and through the arts with young people. A full list of upcoming Artsplan courses can be found here.
For further information and assistance,contact us via info@artswork.org.uk or phone 023 80332491
For more information visit http://www.artswork.org.uk/events/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 023 8033 2491
Email: info@artswork.org.uk
Website: http://www.artswork.org.uk/events/