Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 27 Apr 2020
Awards for Young Musicians 2020

Grants are available for the UK's most talented young instrumentalists in any genre, aged five to 17 years of age who, because of financial need, may be prevented from fulfilling their creative potential.
AYM helps musically talented young people from lower-income families overcome the barriers they face to progressing in their music-making and fulfilling their potential. AYM combines individual funding, mentoring and other musical/performance opportunities for young musicians; AYM also helps to improve the wider environment for their progression, through professional development, advocacy and research initiatives.
Value Notes
Up to £100,000 is awarded each year.
The average award is £500; however, applicants can request up to £2,000.
As well as providing financial assistance AYM aims to support award winners with the following:
Workshops with professional musicians.
The chance to observe professional orchestras and other ensembles in rehearsal.
Free tickets to concerts and performance opportunities.
Match Funding Restrictions
Applicants may be required to provide the remainder of any costs from alternative sources.
Who Can Apply
Support is available for instrumentalists making music in any genre.
The key criteria are:
Instrumentalists must be between the ages of 5 and 17 on 31 August of the Award year.
Family are struggling to pay for the next key step in the applicant's musical progression.
Applicants have previously applied for an Award, received an Award or are making a request for the first time.
For more information follow the link below
For more information visit https://bit.ly/37Xq7PW
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 0117 904 9906
Website: https://bit.ly/37Xq7PW