Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 23 Nov 2015
Arts in the Neighbourhood Online Briefing Presentation

A briefing presentation, giving a step by step guide to completing the Arts in the Neighbourhood Application Form has been added to the Arts in the Neighbourhood webpage.
If you are thinking of completing an application, you may find this very useful. It means you can see the presentation in your own time when it suits you rather than coming to an actual briefing.
In addition, an actual briefing has been planned for Tuesday 8 December 6.15-7.45 in Civic Centre 1, Huddersfield in case the on-line presentation does not answer all your questions. If you would like to attend the briefing please contact the Creative Economy Team (booking for the briefing is essential). For location map please visit http://bit.ly/1Ypb5YM
For more information visit http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/leisure/arts/pdf/ainApplicationGuide.pdf
News Location
Telephone: 01484 414 824
Email: arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/leisure/arts/pdf/ainApplicationGuide.pdf