Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 15 Mar 2021
'Apart Together': The 2021 Poetry Business Project

The Poetry Business is delighted to launch ‘Apart Together’ – a digital writer development programme, featuring virtual workshops, Digital Poets-in-Residence, the recruitment of an Apprentice Editor-in-Residence, an open call for submissions, online poetry readings, audio & blog content and eBooks.
Virtual Workshops led by Ann & Peter Sansom with guest tutors: The Poetry Business’ 2021 programme of weekly virtual writing workshops will be delivered via Zoom. A digital alternative to our popular Writing Days, each workshop features brilliant writing exercises, supportive feedback, and excellent company. These combine a series of 90-minute weekday workshops with longer Saturday sessions to ensure our poetry community stays connected. All workshops include two additional bursary spaces per workshop reserved for Black, Asian and minority ethnic writers, writers from under-represented backgrounds, and writers currently experiencing financial hardship.
Digital Poets-in-Residence in collaboration with The Writing Squad: The Poetry Business has partnered with The Writing Squad to host a digital residency with a Squad writer each month in 2021. Each Poet-in-Residence will be producing & hosting digital content writer development content, such as blog posts, audio recordings, writing prompts, social media takeovers, close readings, writing hours, and more.
Apprentice Editor-in-Residence & Open Call for Submissions: The Poetry Business would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to Gboyega Odubanjo who is joining the team as Apprentice Editor-in-Residence. Gboyega will work alongside our in-house editor Suzannah Evans towards editing two books for publication by Smith|Doorstop in January 2022. These will be selected via an open call for submissions. Poets of all backgrounds are eligble and we encourage submissions from groups currently under-represented in poetry publishing, for example: d/Deaf or disabled, low-income, Black, Asian, minority ethnic, and LGBTQI+ poets. We are not accepting submissions of poetry for children or poetry in translation at present. The submissions window closes 31st March 2021.
Digital Publishing, including eBooks & Online Book Launches: All titles published by The Poetry Business are now published in both paperback & eBook format. Each publication will have an online book launch live-streamed to the Poetry Business YouTube channel.
For more details please follow the link below.
For more information visit https://poetrybusiness.co.uk/2020/03/24/writing-together/