Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 10 Feb 2017
Advanced Tools of Directing Workshop by GFF and Directors UK

The Advanced Tools of Directing with Simon Phillips bring new insight and clarity to the complex task of directing, and give directors their own secret methodology.
You will learn:
• How to identify the most important moments in your scenes
• How to work creatively with your writer on problem scenes
• How to earn the right to improve an actor's performance
• How to decide where to put the camera to create emotion
In this popular seminar, aimed at professional directors, you will build on your existing experience, distilling practice into clear new principles that can be immediately applied to your work - from script development to planning the shoot.
Don't miss this rare opportunity to attend a day of advanced training for directors.
Workshop open to Glasgow Film Festival industry pass holders and Directors UK members. Free to attend but application necessary. To apply fill out application form by 10th February 2017. Places are limited to 15 attendees. Successful applicants will be emailed with all details by 14th at the latest. Applicants will be selected by a panel including representatives from Glasgow Film Festival and Directors UK. The workshop is open to all professional directors. In light of ongoing campaigns, Directors UK and Glasgow Film Festival are particularly encouraging applications from BAME and women directors, as the industry recognises that both are currently under-represented within film and TV directing generally. Only 2.42% of TV drama is currently directed by black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) directors (Adjusting the Colour Balance) and only 14% of TV drama is directed by women (Who’s Calling the Shots?). Please only apply for a place if you are available to attend.
Simon Phillips will also give a keynote presentation as part of the industry day Narrative on Wednesday 22 February, open to Glasgow Film Festival industry passholders.
Glasgow Film Festival is offering Directors UK members a £10 discount on full industry passes, for more details visit directors.uk.com/
For more information about GFF Industry Focus email Jaqueline Bargmann, Industry Focus assistant, at Jaqueline.bargmann@glasgowfilm.org