A tip-top, topsy-turvey afternoon concert as Opera North mainstay and Kirklees Lunchtime favourite Jeremy Peaker takes the spotlight with the very best of G&S.
HOW TO BOOK for the Kirklees Concert Season:
Kirklees Town Halls Box Office
Phone: 01484 225755
Online: kirkleestownhalls.co.uk
In person: Holmfirth Visitor Information Centre; Huddersfield Visitor Information Centre & Dewsbury Box Office
Opera North Box Office
Phone: 0844 848 2720*
Online: operanorth.co.uk
In person: 46 New Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6NU
*Calls cost 7p per minute plus your telephone company’s access charge
Full price: £13 - £27
Concessions: £11 - £24
17 – 29 year olds 'Give it a Go': £4
16 and under: £1