Creative Kirklees / Events / Fri 20 Jun to Sun 20 Jul 2014 (1 month)
20 June - 20 July: Sun Cycles solargrams Dewsbury Town Centre

Bob Clayden, is one of three Plant-Life-Cycle artists in residence at Dewsbury Country Park. The artists have taken inspiration from cycles in nature in this project which is part of the Yorkshire Festival welcoming the Grand Départ of the Tour de France.
Bob has created a series of solargram photographs depicting the sun's arc over the country park. Each single image was taken over a period of several months charting the earth's cycle around sun in the lead up to the lead up to the Grand Départ race weekend.
The solargrams have been printed large-scale and displayed as on outdoor gallery along the Long Causeway shopping parade opposite Dewsbury Town Hall.
The work was made with the help of local people, community groups and schools. Poetry and diary entries inspired by the sun and the natural environment of the country park are included in the final works.
For more information visit http://www.facebook.com/dewsburycountrypark