Creative Hertfordshire

Creative Hertfordshire / Opportunities / Thu 17 Jul 2014

The Creative Hertfordshire Network - Thurs 17th July - Book now!

The Creative Hertfordshire Network - Thurs 17th July - Book now!

Book your free place now on the next network meeting for creative practitioners and businesses around Hertfordshire.
Theme: Stand Out From the Crowd!
Increase your portfolio of skills in the Heritage sector - a growing marketplace for the creative economy. Plus up to the minute ideas on how to catch the eye of potential customers.

Thursday 17th July 2014, 4.00 - 6.30pm at Verulamium Museum, St Michael's Street, St Albans, AL3 4SW.

3.30 - 4.00pm ​Registration and refreshments in the Colonnade. Free entry to Museum for Eventbrite ticket holders

4.00pm Welcome to Verulamium Museum

4.10pm ​ Simon Floyd – SHARE Museums East – How the arts can be used in heritage settings

4.30pm ​Visual Merchandising

4.50pm ​Take part in a practical workshop with other artists based on the Museum collection

5.30 – 6.30pm ​Networking

6.30​ Event ends

This event is free. Book on via EventBrite at the link below:

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

Verulamium Museum

St Michael's Street,
St Albans


Opportunity Details
