Creative Hertfordshire / Events / Thu 29 Jul to Fri 10 Sep 2021 (1 month)
Summer activities at Open Door

At Open Door this summer we have a wonderful range of activities including baking and art classes.
Artist and tutor Mario Lautier Vella from The Fine Art Room will be running a series of workshops in the Open Door garden to explore working with colour, abstraction, memory and more.
Rebecca will be running baking classes for 6-10 year olds and 11-14 year olds on Saturday 31 July and Edwina Wilks’ Summer Art Club takes place every Tuesday afternoon throughout August for 8-12 year olds.
Coming back to Open Door are Maud Eager’s Discover Drawing (Monday 26 July) and Anna Foster’s Baby Signing classes (Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 August). Raccine’s yoga classes are also continuing for both beginners and more experienced students.
Every Monday, our new Creative Monday’s workshops offer you the chance to bring along a creative project like knitting or craft or design while there will be a Code Club workshop (18 August).
Russell will be running photography classes (4 and 11 August) as well as Lino print courses (3, 10, 17 August) and the Dacorum Heritage Trust will be hosting a workshop (25 August).
Over the summer we also have various exhibitions at Open Door including our textiles ‘Berkhamsted’s Got Talent’ event (until 7 August) which features wonderful textiles creations from local crafters and the Berkhamsted landmarks banner.
We will be hosting a Food Glorious Food exhibition (23 August - 9 September) to celebrate all things culinary.
Visit opendoorberkhamsted.co.uk/whats-on for more information and to book.
Café open Monday – Saturday 10.30 - 3pm
For more information visit http://opendoorberkhamsted.co.uk/whats-on