Creative Hertfordshire / Opportunities / Mon 20 Feb 2017
Receive upto £750 to develop an idea to get young people reading

In 2017, Reading Hack will be offering up to £750 each to six groups of young people (aged 13-24) to help them develop a project or idea that will encourage other young people to read more. We're looking for fun, exciting ideas that will appeal to young people who don't find reading enjoyable, or don't see its value. It might be an event, an app, a short film, an anthology of creative writing or something else entirely – anything your group thinks will encourage others to read for pleasure. This opportunity isn’t limited to existing Reading Hack groups – we want to hear from everybody, and are particularly keen to receive applications from young people with other interests outside reading.
The deadline for applications is Monday 20th February – you can find out more about the Call for Ideas and how to apply through the website.
Reading Hack is a programme led by young people aged 13 to 24 who do reading activities and volunteering, called hacks, to gain skills and experience. For more information about Reading Hack visit https://readingagency.org.uk/young-people/
For more information visit https://readingagency.org.uk/young-people