Creative Hertfordshire / Opportunities / Mon 29 Jun 2020
Hertfordshire Community Foundation Covid-19 Funding

The Hertfordshire Community Foundation is offering grants of up to £5,000 for groups dealing with the emerging issues in the community caused by the threat of the Covid-19 outbreak
The programme will provide grants to charities and community groups working with those considered to be the most vulnerable during the Covid-19 outbreak. We intend that the programme will adapt to the needs of our communities as they change in response to the outbreak. The current focus is to offer emergency funding. We may review the initial criteria accordingly, and the size of grant we can make, depending on the incoming funds.
NB If the maximum grant size increases during the course of the programme, as more funding becomes available, the grants team will contact those groups who have received smaller grants where they feel additional funding may be beneficial.
Priority for funding will be given to organisations providing services and support to older and vulnerable people as well as those with low and insecure incomes. We also invite applications from groups applying to support people of all ages with mental health issues.
We want to help organisations to respond to the unprecedented pressures that you and your clients will face as a result of Covid-19. We recognise that many of the services that you usually provide are not currently possible, including group activities, lunch clubs, day centres, community centres and face to face advice to those in need.
Our aim is to help organisations that can identify ways to continue to support people who are most at risk during prolonged periods of isolation through existing, new and where possible, collaborative solutions. We recognise there will be new challenges for communities who have additional pressures resulting from the economic impact of the outbreak.
We would like to encourage local groups to work together and would welcome joint applications with one application from a lead organisation.
We will support constituted charities and community groups based in Hertfordshire. The application process is straightforward, with a short application form. We aim to let applicants know quickly if they are successful.
Rolling deadline and grant decisions while funds are available
For more information visit https://www.hertscf.org.uk/coronavirus