Creative Hertfordshire / News / Mon 25 Feb 2019
Do you work with adults who are lonely or isolated?

If you do, would you share some details to be part of a countywide strategy to tackle loneliness?
Hertfordshire County Council is joining up examples of existing work or activities around the county that target people who are lonely and/or isolated. You may be helping to make social connections, working with partners in the voluntary and community sector in certain areas in the county, or targeting rural areas.
If this describes your work, please can you forward some details below by Monday 4th March to Tracy Webber (tracy.webber@hertfordshire.gov.uk or 01438 844277)
The following details would be very helpful:
• the name of the initiative/project/service
• very brief description
• start/end date of the project
• a contact name and email address so that we can follow up for more detail.
• Lead agency/organisation
• How is the initiative/project/service funded?
• Which districts covered?
• Which partners are involved in delivery?
• Target group
• How outcomes/impact will be being measured?
• Plans for the future
Thank you for your support with this piece of work.
For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-launches-governments-first-loneliness-strategy
News Location
Telephone: 01438 844 277
Email: tracy.webber@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-launches-governments-first-loneliness-strategy