Creative Hertfordshire / News / Fri 25 Apr 2014
Creative Hertfordshire Members meet and network in Letchworth

More than 70 creative practitioners, organisations and businesses from around the county attended the free Creative Hertfordshire Network on Thursday 24th April at the inspiring Spirella Ballroom in Letchworth Garden City.
* 80% of the people who gave feedback at the event said that they had met someone new that they might work with in the future.
The theme was 'potential markets for your work'. It included short presentations from organisations with a track record of working with creative and cultural practitioners: a housing association, school, venue, district council, funding broker, museum service, Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation and NYSA, an Hertfordshire arts organisation who has secured funding for health-related work. There was also time to network, with an arts installation and beatboxing for activities.
Creative Hertfordshire events are intended to share information and opportunities between creatives around the county.
Details of seminars, courses and useful information for the creative sector can be found on the Creative Hertfordshire profile on www.creativehertfordshire.com: http://www.creativehertfordshire.com/creative-hertfordshire/?postcode=&q=creative+hertfordshire&network%5B%5D=7&resetpos=1
Four Network events take place every year, in cultural venues around Hertfordshire. The next event will be on 17th July 2014 in Verulamium Museum, St Albans.
Book onto future Creative Hertfordshire events via eventbrite.co.uk – see link below.
For more information visit http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/creative-hertfordshire-5851375907?s=23591823
News Location
The Spirella Ballrooom
Letchworth Garden City
Website: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/creative-hertfordshire-5851375907?s=23591823