Creative Future / Events / Thu 22 Sep 2016 to Thu 02 Mar 2017 (5 months)
Creative Writing at the Museum

Using museum artefacts across the Brighton Museum & Art Galleries sites, this course teaches how inspiration can be found everywhere.
Participants’ work will be published on the Museum’s blog, the Creative Future website and selected pieces will go towards a published anthology to be sold in Brighton Museum’s shop and on-line. There will be a reading to launch the anthology with a two hour rehearsal session prior, details to be confirmed.
Fee: £40/£20 per course. One free place is available for a participant willing to be the workshop support volunteer. If you are interested in this position please email info@creativefuture.org.uk with a paragraph stating why you’d like to be considered for the role.
Course 1 - 2016: Thursdays – 22 & 29 September, 6, 13 & 20 October
Course 2 - 2017: Thursdays – 2, 9, 16 & 23 February, 2 March Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Venue: Brighton Museum, Royal Pavilion Gardens, Brighton, BN1 1EE
Please note that due to the popularity of this course, priority booking will be given to new participants.
Tutor: Claudia Gould has taught Literature and Creative Writing for over 20 years. She’s a published novelist (Benjamin the True, Kahn & Averill) and short story writer (Jesus in America and Other Short Stories, Utah State University Press).
For more information visit http://www.creativefuture.org.uk/workshops
Event Location
Brighton Museum
Brighton Museum, Royal Pavilion Gardens, Brighton, BN1 1EE
Telephone: 01273 234 780
Email: info@creativefuture.org.uk
Website: http://www.creativefuture.org.uk/workshops