Creative Arts Hub / Events / Wed 11 Jun to Sat 05 Jul 2014 (4 weeks)
Tony Chisholm - 'On the Rocks'

The paintings and drawings in this exhibition are part of a continuing record of walks in the Pennines and along coastal paths between Staithes and Whitby. Some of the images are slight almost retiring, whereas others are more monumental in their interpretation of, for example, waterfalls and cliff faces. What they have in common is an attempt to reflect the allure of places in the landscape that have offered more than brief pause for thought as well as serving as markers on a very particular journey. The images here have largely been reconfigured in the studio from a series of sketches, photographs and small colour studies, a number of which are represented in the exhibition as ‘notes from the landscape’. They attest to a continuing fascination with the changing conditions of hills, moors and rock formations and the perpetual struggle to find visual equivalents in paint. The work has been produced intermittently over the past six years and as a theme, ‘On the Rocks’ has offered scope for a variety of interpretations, challenges, observations and inventions, and continues to do so.
The Creative Arts Hub gallery is open from 10am to 5pm, Wednesday to Friday, and 10am to 3pm on Saturday. Entry to the gallery is free. There will be a ‘meet the artist’ event for the exhibition held from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday 14th June, for further details contact mark@creativeartshub.org.uk, or ring 01924 492775 (the event is open to all). We regret that there is no disabled access to Creative Arts Hub.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/creativeartshubmirfield