Creative Arts Hub / News / Fri 14 Oct 2016
Soul Searching Crowdfunder Appeal

We're having a first attempt at crowdfunding a project - 'Soul Searching' will be an exhibition of artwork relating to / exploring / arising from mental health issues, curated by artists suffering from/affectd by mental health problems, and incorporating a series of workshops and talks.
The exhibition will take place across two venues in early 2017: at our gallery in central Mirfield, and at Batley Art Gallery. We aim to manage a series of weekly events relating to the exhibition throughout its two-month duration, which will be facilitated by artists whose work is included in the exhibition.
If you think that you can help our appeal at all, please visit the Crowderfunder link attached to this listing. We have currently received approxiamately half of our £5000 target through Creative Minds funding - it'd be great if we could go the whole way. If you could share the appeal, we'd greatly appreciate it.
For more information visit http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/soul-searching-arts-and-mental-health-exhibition
News Location
Creative Arts Hub
51-53 Huddersfield Road
WF14 8AB
Telephone: 01924 492 775
Email: mark@creativeartshub.org.uk
Website: http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/soul-searching-arts-and-mental-health-exhibition