Creative Arts Hub / Events / Sat 21 Apr to Sat 26 May 2018 (1 month)
Introduction to Modelmaking - 6 week course

A six week intensive model making course, suitable for young artists interested in developing their fine paintwork and building/modelling skills. Over the six weeks we'll create a fantasy landscape with buildings, and will them populate this with a range of finely painted figures including a skeleton army and a team of adventurers. We'll also custom-build some models using plastic parts and mould-making techniques. Perfect for those who are developing an interest in role playing games and wargaming, your young artist will need to be able to concentrate on intricate work, and so patience is a must. The course fee is inclusive of the models and materials for creating the landscape, plus a small modelmaking kit (fine paintbrushes and quality artists paints, plus milliput modelling clay - plus a bundle of figures, all worth at least £20!).
Cost £45 per person
Suitable for ages 7 upwards; booking essential.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-modelmaking-6-week-course-tickets-44367080131
Event Location
Creative Arts Hub
1st floor
51-53 Huddersfield Road
WF14 8AB
Telephone: 01924 492 775
Email: mark@creativeartshub.org.uk
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-modelmaking-6-week-course-tickets-44367080131