Creative Arts Hub / Events / Sun 26 Sep to Sat 23 Oct 2021 (4 weeks)
Artwork by Neil Clarkson

The first exhibition of paintings and multi media artworks by Artist and Poet Neil Clarkson. Featuring semi abstract collage work inspired by Schwitters, alongside figurative pieces with thought provoking political commentary, this exhibition is both entertaining, engaging and inspiring.
Open 10am to 5pm Wednesday to Friday and 12pm to 5pm on Saturday.
For more information visit https://creativeartshubmirfield.com/exhibitions/
Event Location
Creative Arts Hub CIC
1st floor
51-53 Huddersfield Road
WF14 8AB
Telephone: 01924 492 775
Email: mark@creativeartshubmirfield.com
Website: https://creativeartshubmirfield.com/exhibitions/