Cream Room Sound Productions / Events / Sat 18 Jan 2014
'Get Vocal' Workshop - Recording Your First Audio Product

18th January 2014
A workshop on "How to Produce your 1st Audio Product"
Podcasts, Audio Books, Guided Meditation, Tutorials...
The market place for entertaining, therapuetic and educational audio material is well established and growing, but to really make an impact you need to prepare and present your product to the highest professional standard.
So how do you begin and how can you prepare yourself to ensure that you create products that enhance your reputation and establish you as a key voice in your industry?
Get Vocal
Our workshop sessions are aimed at helping professional individuals convert their skills and expertise into a marketable audio format.
We will discuss the ideas that work, introduce you to the studio environment and teach you how to prepare and make the most from your voice and studio time. We'll finish by inviting each participant to record a brief session to gain first had experience and reinforce the tips learned during the session. You will learn feeling inspired, motivated and confident that you have the opportunity to create a fantastic new way to grow your reputation and your business.
You've worked hard to establish yourself as an expert in your market and there has never been a better time to reach out and deliver your knowledge or service to a wider audience.
Our January workshop begins at 10:00am on Saturday 18th January 2014.
There are just 8 places available at each workshop.
To confirm your seat at our next session please follow the link below for booking details or contact Martin on 01920 438926.
Our workshops are led by studio manager Martin Lumsden and experienced Voice Over Coach Heather Lindsay
Every participant on the workshop will get the chance to record their voice. After the session our engineers will create your personal audio package including tips and techniques from the workshop and your individual recording. Recordings will be sent to you by post and you will also receive a complimentary CD "Royalty Free Music from The Cream Room".
Workshop Schedule
10:00am Welcome & Introduction
10:15am Creating Your Audio Product
10:45am Get the best from Voice Recording
11:30am Coffee Break
11:45am Voice Recording Practical
12:45pm Feedback and Completion
13:00pm Light Lunch & Goodbye!
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/get-vocal-workshop-recording-your-first-audio-product-tickets-9580015083/
Event Location
The Cream Room
Telephone: 01920 438 926
Email: martin@creamroom.co.uk
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/get-vocal-workshop-recording-your-first-audio-product-tickets-9580015083/