Cream Room Sound Productions / Events / Sun 15 Apr 2018
Vocal Recording Workshop

Studio recording is very different from live performance. While singing on stage allows you to feed from the dynamic exchange of energy and passion between you and your audience, when you're in the recording studio it’s just you and the microphone. Self-consciousness, nervousness and anxiety plus the unfamiliar studio environment can be distracting and even feel isolated.
But in the studio you don't necessarily have to sing perfectly in tune or even in time. Recorded performances are often extensively edited, then adapted and perfected in various ways and in a way that may never actually have been performed from beginning to end. The best bits from many takes are seamlessly strung together to make the best possible version.
Having the knowledge of the tips and techniques used in professional studios by experienced performers will free you up to be at your most creative. Our workshop will show you skills and tricks you can easily learn that will free you up to be at your best in front of the microphone.
Your facilitators are a professional vocal coach and experienced record producer, working together to take you through the process.
Methods for warming up
How to take care of your voice in preparation for recording
The way a microphone responds to you e.g to distance from the mouth
Fading out long notes
Headphone balance - what to ask for and how
Tricks for making sure you are in tune / in time and not over singing
Making sure first note you sing is in tune / right sound
'Dropping in' - how to help make a lead vocal sound as if it's all recorded in one take.
How to adapt your attitude or sound if something isn't working for you or the producer.
This interactive and focused workshop will be for just 6 people to allow us time to work with you individually and as a group. While the session is mainly intended to be instructional, performances will be recorded and you will also be supplied with support material to take away.
We look forward to welcoming you to our next event on 28th January 2018.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/vocal-recording-workshop-tickets-42438701298
Event Location
Cream Room Sound Productions
Unit 5, Home Farm
Munden Road
Dane End
SG12 0LL
Telephone: 01920 438 926
Email: martin@creamroom.co.uk
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/vocal-recording-workshop-tickets-42438701298