I wrote a song for you, but this isn't it, the one I wrote for you was shit. Far too familiar, not unique, the chorus was limp and weak. I wrote you another, this isn't it either, that one is too clear and precise. Yet too contradictory, too black and too white, you're either too nasty or too nice. A song needs to have a hook like a story. Like a book it needs a beginning, a middle and an end. Unless we split and bring an end to it, my song stays unfinished, my love undiminished and you get to stay my girlfriend. Because life's so short, it's probably better to talk, than keep things locked up in your mind. It's so useless to have sour grapes and juices, and lately I've been stewing in mine. So I get out my pen and try writing again, I pluck at the strings of my heart. I get a good sound and words almost profound but it still lacks the important part. A song needs to have a hook like a story. Like a book it needs a beginning, a middle and an end. Unless we split and bring an end to it, my song stays unfinished, my love undiminished and you get to stay my girlfriend. If you were me you wouldn't worry, you'd just say what's the hurry? It's quality that counts not speed. Never mind the quality feel the width, it doesn't matter who you're with as long as you're thinking of me. I try a new approach, dig out old songs I wrote, take the best bits from each one. Somehow it never seems to hang together and I feel like a thief and vagabond. I search for inspiration, divine intervention, go down blind alleys and cul-de-sacs. I bet you never thought I'd ask for guidance from the Lord but I need all the help that I can get. You say I'm out to lunch, things are coming to a crunch, I make a meal out of wordsmithery. Your approach is laissez faire, get your appetite elsewhere as long as you come home to eat with me. It's easy to write a song but hard to write a good one and not sound like a bedroom beginner. I've tried so hard to conceive a masterpiece but all I've achieved is this dog's dinner. A song needs to have a hook, like a story. Like a book it needs a beginning, a middle and an end. Unless we split and bring an end to it, my song stays unfinished, my love undiminished and you get to stay my girlfriend. So it looks like you're still my girlfriend.
For more information visit http://www.crazyquiltbouquet.info/
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Website: http://www.crazyquiltbouquet.info/