Courtyard Arts Centre / Events / Mon 24 to Sat 29 Oct 2016 (6 days)
The Big Draw 2016

Courtyard Arts Centre is offering 3 days of FREE drop in events for everyone. On Monday 24th Oct Jude will be setting up a mono printing studio along the theme of Steampunk and on Tuesday 25th and Wed 26th Polly and Sue will be opening up both teaching studios for 2D and 3D activities. All work will be displayed in a installation in the gallery. More details are on our website and on the attached poster - we look forward to seeing all of you there. Remember it is for ALL AGES and ALL ABILITIES. Just turn up and join in!
For more information visit http://www.courtyardarts.org.uk/
Event Location
Courtyard Arts Centre
Port Vale
SG14 3AA
Telephone: 01992 509 596
Email: admin@courtyardarts.org.uk
Website: http://www.courtyardarts.org.uk/