Courtyard Arts Centre / Events / Tue 24 Nov to Sat 05 Dec 2015 (2 weeks)
Art Exhibition - Making with a Message, Davida Macdonald

Artists have always used their work as a primary means of expression: this body of work is no exception. Produced over a decade of political and personal uncertainty the collection represents a very personal view of the world in which we live. Sometimes puzzling, occasionally controversial and often upsetting, it is nevertheless work which had to be made and which still has resonance today. Show runs until 5th December.
For more information visit http://www.courtyardarts.org.uk/
Event Location
Courtyard Arts Centre
Port Vale
SG14 3AA
Telephone: 01992 509 596
Email: admin@courtyardarts.org.uk
Website: http://www.courtyardarts.org.uk/