Community Arts, Three Rivers / Events / Sun 30 Jul to Mon 14 Aug 2023 (2 weeks)
Picture This Photography Walks, summer 2023

Our Picture This..! Photography Walks are back for the summer holidays.
Join us on one of our relaxed walks around Three Rivers District’s scenic green spaces. Taking guidance from professional photographer Pete Stevens, you can enjoy the surroundings with plenty of time to capture the perfect pictures.
No professional equipment is needed; just bring your digital camera or Smartphone.
Ideal for all ages, complete beginners and those looking to develop their skills further, Pete will be sharing handy tips on composition, resolution and how to use natural lighting. Also, it’s an opportunity to get active and meet new people.
Leavesden Country Park, WD5 0NX
Sunday 30 July, 10.30am - 1pm
Chorleywood House Grounds, WD3 5SL
Monday 14 August, 1pm - 3.30pm
There will also be an opportunity to see your photos feature in an online gallery afterwards!
Spaces must be booked online in advance at www.threeriversleisure.co.uk/photography-walks1
The cost is £8 per person. An adult must be booked on to accompany a child under 11 years of age.
For more information visit https://www.threeriversleisure.co.uk/photography-walks1
Event Location
Leavesden Country Park and Chorleywood House Grounds
off College Road, Abbots Langley, WD5 0NX
off Rickmansworth Road, Chorleywood, WD3 5SL
Telephone: 01923 776 611
Email: leisure@threeerivers.gov.uk
Website: https://www.threeriversleisure.co.uk/photography-walks1