Community Arts, Three Rivers / Events / Mon 13 Jan to Mon 23 Mar 2020 (2 months)
Be Creative: Mixed Media Art classes for HYOC2020

Join a 10-week term of 'Be Creative' classes, new for 2020 and the Hertfordshire Year of Culture!
They’re friendly, run by professional artists and a great way to meet new people.
Be Creative…in Mixed Media art with Anna Schofield
If you'd like to experiment with a whole range of hands-on processes, give our mixed media art group a try.
Over 10 weeks, you'll work on creative projects using drawing and painting, collage, mosaic and clay to name a few. This a NEW class for 2020 so don't miss out!
Mondays, 13 January – 23 March
(10 week term, no session 17 February)
10am – 12noon
£7 per week including materials
Suitable for ages 16 +
Spaces must be booked in advance
For more information visit https://www.threeriversleisure.co.uk/regular-classes
Event Location
William Penn Leisure Centre
Shepherds Lane,
Mill End,
Telephone: 01923 776 611
Email: elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk
Website: https://www.threeriversleisure.co.uk/regular-classes