Cockington Court Craft Centre / Events / Sun 27 Oct to Sat 02 Nov 2013 (1 week)
Halloween Festival at Cockington Court

Sunday 27th October –Saturday 2nd November 2013
Come and have some spooky fun at Cockington Court during the half term holiday!
Sunday 27th October
Free family drop in arts & crafts making spiders webs, masks and ghosts
Spooky Face Painting with Cher's Funky Faces
12.00noon - 4.00 pm in the Resource Room (Sea Change studios)
Monday 28th October
Nature Photography for 7-12 year olds using a pin hole camera
1.00pm – 3.00pm at the Cockington Visitor Centre run by the TCCT.
To book call 01803 520 022
Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November
‘Printmaking, Cream Teas and Cocktails’
3 day printmaking course taught by Cockington Court Artist, Deborah Treliving. Includes 4 nights bed and Breakfast at Trafalgar House Hotel. Cost: £565. For further information and to book, contact Deborah on 01803 411 142
Wednesday 30th October
Free Halloween family fun - apple bobbing, Halloween trail, pumpkin carving and soup and spooky storytelling with staff and garden volunteers (pumpkins kindly sponsored by Waitrose). Come dressed up in your Halloween costumes!
11.00am - 2.30pm in Cockington Courts' Walled Art Garden
Wednesday 30th October
Cider Press Demonstation from 12.00noon with the Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust
Thursday 31st October
Free family drop in arts and crafts making spiders webs, masks and ghosts. Come in your Halloween Costumes – a prize for the best costume we spot!
12.00noon – 4.00pm in the Resource Room (Sea Change studios)
Friday 1st November & Saturday 2nd November
Quest Play - Questing for family audiences with specially created interactive events including performances combined with a digital trail. Between 12.00noon and 6.00pm. Tickets and more information contact 01803 850 157. Adults £6. Children (14 and under) £4. Under 5s free. Group bookings available.