Cockington Court Craft Centre / Events / Sun 08 Dec 2013
Christmas at Cockington Court

Sunday 8th December 10am – 4pm
Santa’s Grotto, Synthetic Skating Rink, Craft & Food stalls, Festive food & drink, Choirs, Lantern Parade at 4pm followed by a festive service in Cockington Church, Face Painting, Christmas Quiz
FREE Family Arts & Crafts. We have been collecting jam jars for the children to decorate and use in our lantern parade. Drop-in, decorate a jar at anytime during the day. (Bring your own jar if you can. Tea lights supplied). Come back and join the parade - leaving the front of the Manor House at 4pm led by SANTA himself!!
Visit our craft studios & galleries for that special gift:
Prints and paintings, Sculpture, Ceramics, Glass Blowers, Blacksmith,
Toy Maker, Chocolatier, Jewellers, Textiles, Leather, Furniture, Bags, Sewing kits, wrapping paper, handmade cards and more….