Cockington Court Craft Centre / Opportunities / Wed 31 Jan 2018
Applications Invited for Cockington Court Sculpture Trail 2018

Cockington Court Sculpture Trail 2018
The very first sculpture trail took place in 2017 and proved a huge success, 17 artists/sculptors took part . The trail of over 23 sculptures engaged well over 6000 visitors and over 250 to the preview !
The 2018 Trail will take place 26th May - 9th Sept
So what’s new for 2018?
•Participation will be via an application and selection process
•18 artists will be selected.
•Each successful artist/sculptor will be offered the opportunity to show up to 6 outdoor works on site.
•This year the selected sculptors will be requested to visit the Court and look for specific sites that would suit their work, within the Court’s boundary lines. We specifically welcome work to be designed and made in direct response and inspired by the site.
•There is an opportunity for one artist to create a sculpture installation in the Kitchen Gallery (by application) as the first sculpture in the trail.
•There will also be a 2018 Sculpture Award for the public’s favourite piece voted for throughout the summer.
Application Process
Visit www.cockingtoncourt.org/whats-on/sculpture-trail to download your application form now.
31st January - deadline for applications to be sent electronically to the Centre Director - Marissa.Wakefield@tedcltd.com.
For more information visit http://www.cockingtoncourt.org/whats-on/sculpture-trail