Cockington Court Craft Centre / Events / Tue 17 Sep to Wed 23 Oct 2013 (1 month)
Ambiguity & Form

The Kitchen Gallery's latest exhibition is 'Ambiguity & Form' by Adam Graddon.
For Adam Graddon, presentation and representation are both subject and object of the work. He is interested in classification and order, most commonly attributed to museum display, but which is also a constant activity in daily life, producing the small rituals of selection and arrangement of things, which take us through each day.
As he acknowledges, there is pleasure, ambiguity and absurdity in relation to these decisions. Any moment, the elements of his tableaux could be deployed as props in a Samuel Beckett play or (if tarred and Feathered) in a Jan Swankmajer film animation.
There is a special kind of articulation of experience put into a non-verbal language of making which relies on both concept and intuition. In terms of orientation, how do we locate these works? Against what measure are scale and place established?
The affinity with bodily and domestic sites are key, offering intimacy, familiarity and the possibility of direct engagement. Holding and touching as ways of knowing are important in most of the work; occasionally there are architectural contexts.
Martina Margetts 2011 ‘Forward’ Old Material*New Work** RCA Catalogue.
This free exhibition runs until 23rd October 2013 and can be seen daily from 10am - 5pm.