Cockington Court Tea Rooms / News / Mon 14 Jul 2014
Cockington Chocolate Company moves in to Anchor Studio at CCCC

July 14th - Cockingotn Chocolate Compmany re united our 2 sites at Cockington Court into the large anchor studio space in the Sea Change area behind the Manor House.
The visual this gives visitors is huge; to watch and experience the intracacies of making Chocolate is exceptional.
Visitors can smell the excitement; can buy the product; can enjoy the taste!
A fabulous new Centre piece has been made and is on view..
This is a major step forward not only for our Chocolate business but also for Cockingotn Court Crafe Centre.
For more information visit http://www.cockingtonchocolate.co.uk/
News Location
Cockington Chocolate Company
Cockingotn Court Craft Centre
Cockington Court
Cockingotn Village
Telephone: 01803 607 156
Email: safcatering@aol.com
Website: http://www.cockingtonchocolate.co.uk/