CLP Arts & Crafts - Pam Outreach / Events / Thu 31 May 2018
3D Art - Modroc Sculpture of your favoutite footballer

Stuck for things to do during half-term? Here's a World Cup-related 3D Family Art Workshop, run by the talented Anna Roth, being held at St Martin's Church, 6:30pm - 8:30pm. You'll be using Modroc to make a tabletop statue of your favourite football player, and you'll go home with a goody bag of acrylic paint to decorate it in your country's colours! Only £2.50 as we're heavily subsidised by Hertfordshire Adult & Family Learning Service - HAFLS. Please follow the link to book :-) https://www.cognitoforms.com/CLPSouthOxhey/WorldCup3DFamilyArt
We also run other themed arts & craft sessions & school holiday family crafts including Art Journalling & 3D Art.
We also run courses for adults in Crochet, Sewing, Felting, 3D Art, Art Journalling, Patchwork, Scandi Embroidery, Digital Textiles, Wellbeing & Social Media & IT.
REGULAR GROUPS - Drop in Sessions
Coffee & Crafts (weekly Tuesday 9:30am-12pm in South Oxhey at St Martins). £2.50 per session. Bring a project along to work on. This could be Knitting, Crochet, Hand Sewing, Cross Stitch, Cards, Beads or Jewellery, Adult Colouring Books etc. You may also like to purchase wool from our well stocked yarn shop.
Crochet (weekly Wednesday 7pm-9:30pm in South Oxhey at St Martins & also Sunday 10am-12:30pm Borehamwood, Windsor Hall) £2.50 per session. Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/heavenlyhookers/
You may also like to purchase wool from our well stocked yarn shop.
Felters & Stitchers (weekly Tuesday, 1pm -3pm in South Oxhey at St Martin's).
£3 per session. Drop in with your current project. Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2083214391954989/
Sewing Café (fortnightly Thursday 10am-12:30pm or 7pm-9:30pm in South Oxhey at St Martins). £6.00 per session. Places must be booked for this group as we only have a limited number of sewing machines. Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2148877582005552/
Art Journalling (monthly Thursday 10am-12:30pm in South Oxhey at St Martins) £6.00 per session. Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/159620511084212/
Please see our Facebook page for details of upcoming courses and events. https://www.facebook.com/CLP-Arts-Crafts-Courses-1628676180788070/
or E Mail clp.pmoriarty@gmail.com Tel 0208 421 5544
Community Learning Partnership is a charity No 1155750
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/1628676180788070/
Event Location
Community Learning Partnership
St Martin's Church,
Muirfield Road,
South Oxhey
WD19 6JD
Telephone: 020 8421 5544
Email: clp.pmoriarty@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/1628676180788070/