Cleckheaton Folk Festival / News / Tue 17 May 2022
Cleckheaton Folk Festival 2022 - Emerging Artist Masteclass

Wanted !! Emerging artists. Are you developing your performance career? Would you like some guidance from a folk professional? Cleckheaton Folk Festival will be presenting an "Emerging Artist Masterclass" on Friday & Saturday 1st & 2nd July. The class will be run by the fabulous Bella Hardy and will include a performance opportunity. If this is of interest please send some details about you and your folk music background and whta you would like to achieve from the masterclass to dave@cleckheatonfolkfestival.org
For more information visit http://www.cleckheatonfoklfestival.org/
News Location
Cleckheaton Folk Festival
84 Pyenot Hall Lane,
West Yorks
BD19 5BA
Telephone: 07929 134 556
Email: david.minich@btopenworld.com
Website: http://www.cleckheatonfoklfestival.org/