Clare Halstead / Events / Sat 15 Oct 2011 to Sat 03 Mar 2012 (5 months)
Arts and Learning

University of Sussex - Centre for Community Engagement
Arts and Learning – The Creative Practitioner
What skills do artists need to stimulate creativity in others? This course explores ways in which creative professionals can work effectively in, or in partnership with, schools, colleges or community organisations and will appeal to artists and teachers working in the visual arts, digital media, design, music, literature/creative writing, drama and dance.
Lead tutor: Sara Clifford, Inroads Code: X3209
Course details
Developed in collaboration with University of Sussex and Inroads, this course is designed to support the creative professional working in formal and informal education settings. It offers a mix of theoretical and practical input: moving from ideas of creative learning, to facilitation skills, working in partnership, interdisciplinary collaboration and project evaluation and review. In tandem with this, students will look at the role of creative learning in contributing to emerging agendas across education and community contexts.
Venue University of Sussex, Falmer
Dates Four Saturdays, 10am – 4pm
October 15th, November 19th 2011
February 4th, March 3rd 2012
Fee tbc
To find out more please contact Creative Partnerships
T 01424 719634
E creativepartnerships@sussex.ac.uk
To enrol directly on the course please contact Claire Brennan
T 01273 678300
E C.M.Brennan@sussex.ac.uk
Deadline for enrolment is Friday 7th October 2011
For more information visit http://www.sussex.ac.uk/cce/prospectivestudents/cpd/x3209
Event Location
University of Sussex
Telephone: 01273 678 300
Email: c.m.brennan@sussex.ac.uk
Website: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/cce/prospectivestudents/cpd/x3209