*that is to say, in front of my Aunty Claire’s black and white TV at 3:56 BST on 21st July 1969.
I photographed the astronauts’ progress on 35mm black & White Ilford FP4 film, with my trusty Werra camera – no tripod.
In those days I had to use up the rest of the film before sending it off in the post to Max Spielmann in Birkenhead for processing. Negatives and a contact strip were usually back in about a week, so the first time I saw what I had captured was probably a month after the event!
And all this without the internet, mobile phones, or digital watches.
What’s probably more astonishing is that I tracked these negatives down among hundreds of others in a big (sealed) dusty cardboard box in my attic recently.
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Email: chris@slaneyonline.com