Chris Longden / Events / Thu 24 to Fri 25 Sep 2020 (2 days)
Reluctant Readers? Help and Advice

For parents, relatives and teachers/carers for children aged 4-18 who might be battling with enthusiasm for reading; issues such as dyslexia, too much 'screen time' and 'getting bored with the classroom books' will all be addressed.
Join Christina, Writer in Residence 2020-21 for Kirklees and others experienced in promoting reading and love of stories.
The panel will share with you a huge list of books - suitable for kids of all abilities; and of course - plenty for the teens!
Questions can be posed on the day, sent in beforehand - and you can watch the session again on Kirklees Libraries YouTube channel.
11 AM LIVE - 24th Sep 2020
For more information visit http://www.kirkleeslibraries.co.uk/writer-in-residence/