Chris Longden / Events / Sat 09 to Sun 10 Jun 2018 (2 days)
Reluctant Readers (&dyslexics too) ADULTS workshop

Do you know of a reluctant reader? Perhaps a child or teen who isn't keen on reading, or has dyslexia or another type of reading impairment...
We believe that you CAN get your child to fall in love with reading! AND get them away from unproductive use of screen-time too.
So, come along and enjoy attending a (FREE) Reluctant Reader workshop (aimed at parents or relatives of kids aged 8-16). You will leave, feeling a little bit more clued-up on:
- The role of schools - and the role of parents
- What might be preventing your child from reading
- Getting your child interested in reading (and not just reading BOOKS - there are many more ways of practising reading). Lots of tips!
- Creating your own strategy; build a better reader and better bonds within your family
- Improving your child's chances in life
- FREE resources - right at your fingertips...
SATURDAY 9th JUNE 10.30 to 12pm at CLECKHEATON library - BOOK YOUR FREE TICKETS at the website link.
(More dates for summer to be announced - these will be 'parent and child' workshops)
For more information visit https://www.funnylass.com/reluctant-readers/reluctant-readers-help-page/
Event Location
Cleckheaton Library
Email: chrissylou777@hotmail.co.uk
Website: https://www.funnylass.com/reluctant-readers/reluctant-readers-help-page/