Chris Brooks Poetry / Events / Mon 13 Feb to Mon 25 Jun 2012 (4 months)
Performance Poetry Course @ the Blue Walnut

Mondays: 13th Feb, 27th Feb, 12th Match, 26th March, 9th April,
23rd April, 21st May, 4th June, 18th June and 25th June.
7.30pm - 10pm. ...
This ten part course explores the skills, knowledge and techniques that are central to the art of Performance Poetry.
The themes examined during the course include: the differences between page poetry and performance poetry, evolving a set of performance poetry, the role of humour within performance poetry, an exploration of the significance of authenticity and believability within performance, microphone techniques, breaking through the fourth wall, adapting to diverse performing spaces, performing in character, getting gigs and staging performance poetry events.
The course is suitable for page poets making the transition to performance poetry, performance poets looking to evolve and newcomers who are looking to enter the world of performance poetry.
All course participants will be given live performance opportunities.
The cost of the ten session course is £250 (concessions available).
To book a place on the course contact Chris Brooks at chrisbrookspoetry@hotmail.co.uk or phone 07825411030See more
For more information visit http://www.bluewalnuttorquay.co.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.bluewalnuttorquay.co.uk/